
The Resources Directory is the place where you will find a contractor, locate craftsmen, tradesmen, products and services for older and historic homes. Posted information has been obtained from the Resource’s website, brochures and other publicly available information. No entries in the Resources Directory are ever solicited for inclusion and none pay to be listed here. It is the responsibility of the consumer to interview and research the qualifications and experience of service providers before making a purchase or contracting for services.

  • Admiral Building Movers

    Admiral Building Movers specializes in moving, raising, shoring and leveling wooden structures. Matt Murphy & Dick Fosher, owners, serve NH, VT, ME & MA.  Examples of their work include raising a structure to repair or replace old foundations, elevating a building to turn crawl spaces into living area & correcting sagging floor problems by replacing supporting structures. Relocating a building may be for preservation, subdividing a property, or to move a house away from a busy road.  See video: Moving the Thomas Clark House in Belmont, MA.